Adrienne Provost, a prominent figure in community college education, has been recognized as the inaugural recipient of the 2024 Terry O’Banion Legacy Award by the League for Innovation in the Community College. The award honors Provost’s monograph, ‘Social Media Public Scholarship: Reframing the Narrative From the Inside Out,’ which presents an innovative examination of the challenges faced by community and technical colleges.
In her award-winning work, Provost calls upon community college practitioners to take the lead in shaping the narrative surrounding these institutions through social media public scholarship. She argues that traditional academic journals are dominated by university scholars, while social media platforms offer community college voices a broader platform to reframe the narrative.
Rufus Glasper, the League’s President and CEO, commended Provost’s thought-provoking monograph, stating, ‘Adrienne Provost has prepared a thought-provoking monograph and her call to action has the potential to influence others’ perceptions of community colleges.’ He encouraged community college practitioners to read and share the paper, joining the conversation.
Provost, who has held leadership roles in student support programs at Santa Fe College and the University of Florida, expressed her admiration for Terry O’Banion’s influence in the field. ‘He has inspired and challenged countless scholar-practitioners like me to ask hard questions and push bureaucratic boundaries to meet the needs of students and communities,’ she said. Provost aimed to mirror O’Banion’s provocative pursuits in her monograph, encouraging others to ‘Live like Terry,’ whose life’s work has reflected the democratic spirit of community colleges.
O’Banion himself praised the monograph, calling it ‘a scholarly work on a special topic that needs to be spread throughout the community college world.’ He acknowledged that Provost’s work ‘sets a high standard for the next round of the award in 2025.’ The monograph, Social Media Public Scholarship: Reframing the Narrative From the Inside Out, is available on the League for Innovation’s website.
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