Cryptocurrency Fundraiser Helps Ukrainian Defenders Stay Connected

Ukraine’s resilience in defending its freedom has been unwavering, even two years after the devastating Russian invasion. In this ongoing struggle, reliable and secure communication on the frontlines is paramount, not only for operational efficiency but also for saving the lives of Ukrainian soldiers protecting their families from occupation.

WhiteBIT, a leading European crypto exchange, has partnered with the Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation and the Ukrainian mobile operator lifecell to launch the ‘Stay Connected‘ fundraiser. This initiative allows global supporters to donate cryptocurrencies through WhiteBIT’s Whitepay solution, expanding the opportunities to assist Ukrainian defenders.

On the battlefield, where mobile communications are often impossible, radio becomes a critical lifeline, ensuring that vital information and medical aid requests can be transmitted amidst the chaos of warfare. In situations where every second counts, radio communication enables the swift relay of a wounded soldier’s precise location and condition, initiating a rapid response during the crucial ‘golden hour’ when chances of survival are highest.

The ‘Stay Connected’ fundraiser aims to collect UAH 14.2 million (approx. $374,000) to purchase 100 radio communication kits for 100 units of the Ukrainian Defense Forces. Each kit includes a Motorola DM4400 car radio, a Motorola DP4800 portable digital radio, and five Motorola DP4400 handheld digital radios.

Thanks to Whitepay’s support, anyone, regardless of their location or currency, can contribute to providing communication for the defenders. Cryptocurrency donations have become an increasingly popular way of fundraising, as advancements in blockchain technology facilitate direct charitable donations, eliminating unnecessary intermediaries and barriers while ensuring privacy, speed, and low fees.

The Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation, one of the largest in Ukraine, has raised UAH 6.6 billion (approx $174 million) since the invasion began, helping the military and civilians. The Foundation rebuilds deoccupied communities, restores healthcare, and equips teams that remove landmines, enhancing safety for the local population.

By supporting this humanitarian mission, individuals worldwide can contribute to defending Ukraine’s freedom and providing its defenders with the vital resources they need.

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This news story relied on a press release distributed by BlockchainWire. Blockchain Registration, Verification & Enhancement provided by NewsRamp™. The source URL for this press release is Cryptocurrency Fundraiser Helps Ukrainian Defenders Stay Connected.