Ideal for Press Releases. We’ve partnered with to bring you the best of Citybuzz plus the reach and visibility of the platform.

$149 – This Service Includes

  • Your press release posted here on Citybuzz
  • Distribution of your press release to hundreds of online sources including Google News.
  • Free access to exclusive News Marketing tools at

Ideal for companies that simply want to post an article on Citybuzz. A good way to drive visibility and help your search engine optimization (SEO).

$50 – This Service Includes

  • Citybuzz will post your article to this site.
  • Citybuzz will ensure that content is highly visible to people and search engines.
  • Discounts for multiple articles.

Let AI Write Your Press Release offers a free Artificial Intelligence tool to help you write your press release. Just create a free account at Newsworthy and you are off to the races. You are going to be amazed by the result.